Eventful: Vertical Flight Society Roster of Upcoming Events

The Vertical Flight Society continues its aviation industry-leading confabs with five upcoming gatherings.
Hampton, Virginia, is the site of the Propulsion Technical Meeting 2019 on October 29 and 30. The “Powering the Future of Vertical Flight” conference will focus on current and planned research and development of manned and unmanned rotorcraft and other VTOL vehicles. Dr. Kenneth Suder of the NASA Glenn Research Center will present the keynote address, “Future Vertical Lift Propulsion Systems & Associated Challenges.”
The 8th Asian/Australian Rotorcraft Forum (ARF) will be held in Ankara, Turkey, from October 30 to November 2. The event is sponsored by the Turkish Aerospace Industries. Specialists will host sessions about unmanned drones and high-speed rotorcraft technologies. New problems as well as state-of-the-art technologies will be discussed in an effort to enhance cooperation between industry professionals.
Transformative Vertical Flight 2020 will be held January 21-23, 2020 in San Jose, California. Concurrent events include the Aeromechanics for Advanced Vertical Flight Technical Meeting, the International Powered Lift Conference (IPLC), and the 7th Annual Electric VTOL Symposium.
Technical discipline subject matter at the Aeromechanics for Advanced Vertical Flight Technical Meeting includes advance dynamics, aerodynamics, acoustics, and flight mechanics.
At the IPLC, a focus on the technologies, hopes, and progress developing powered lift systems for jet-borne vertical flight, advanced rotorcraft, and eVTOLs makes it the only technical meeting for this sector of the aerospace industry.
The 7th Annual Electrical VTOL Symposium will also be held at the Transformative Vertical Flight 2020 conference with leading researchers and others from academia, industry, and government agencies worldwide discussing the latest eVTOL advances and the challenges which still remain.
On Monday, January 20, 2020, the daylong “Short Course on eVTOL Fundamentals,” taught by Dr. Anubhav Datta, will also be offered.
Forum 76, the VFS’s annual forum and technology display will be held May 19-21, 2020 in Montreal, Québec, Canada. More than 250 technical papers will be presented covering everything from acoustics to unmanned systems.
Contact the Vertical Flight Society (Tel.+1.703.684.6777) for additional information on events and how to submit papers for consideration to be presented at the conference.