Netherlands’ PAL-V and Kuwait Airways Ink Partnership Deal

Kuwait Airways Corporation (KAC) and the Dutch manufacturer of the Personal Air Land Vehicle (PAL-V) flying cars announced that they have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) outlining their plans for KAC to provide maintenance services for the flying car fleet in the Persian Gulf and Middle East when it begins selling cars in 2021.
The PAL-V/KAC agreement also provides for KAC customers to avail themselves of the flying cars as part of their personal transportation network. A two-passenger VTOL with a maximum speed of 170 km/h, the PAL-V uses traditional jet fuel and will operate at an altitude of 10,000 feet.
KAC Deputy CEO Abdul Halim Zaidan and PAL-V CEO Robert Dingemanse signed the MoU which will facilitate use of flying cars not only in the private sector, but also by public agencies, such as firefighters, the military, national guard, and paramedics.