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AeroMobil Set to Release 6.0 eVTOL Design

AeroMobil, the Slovakian flying car manufacturer, plans to reveal a scaled design of its version 6.0 flying car before the close of 2019.
The 6.0 eVTOL will be the company’s first flight-mode-only model, said Simon Bendrey, AeroMobil’s head of engineering, at the Global Urban Air Summit in the UK.
AeroMobil also announced the launch of a technical consulting services division. This division will support other companies seeking engineering and certification advice in developing their own flying cars.
Other companies, including leading automotive manufacturers, have begun talks to partner with AeroMobil. The 6.0 model, now on an accelerated development schedule, will consider optimum range and payload capabilities across three performance parameters: 30 km (for 1-2 passengers), 30-70 km (two passengers), and 70 km (four passengers).
AeroMobil began seeking the European Union’s Aviation Safety Agency CS-23 certification for its 4.0 model in December 2018. It hopes to complete its first flight of this design by the end of 2019. A full-scale prototype is anticipated by 2025.
AeroMobil believes cabin comfort plays a key role in whether consumers will accept flying cars. If cabin comfort is similar to current light, general aviation aircraft, that could stall adoption of flying cars for routine transportation.