Home » Highlight » Boeing Partners with Kitty Hawk Flying Taxi

Boeing Partners with Kitty Hawk Flying Taxi

Cora Air Taxi

With an eye on keeping future airspace safe for urban air mobility—including flying taxis—Boeing and Kitty Hawk Corporation have joined forces.

The companies recently announced the partnership between Kitty Hawk’s Cora division and Boeing. Google co-founder Larry Page owns Kitty Hawk, whose claim to fame is Cora. Hundreds of tests of this autonomous, two-seat electric flying taxi have taken place over the past year in New Zealand. Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company.

“Working with a company like Kitty Hawk brings us closer to our goal of safely advancing the future of mobility,” said Steve Nordlund, vice president and general manager of Boeing NeXt.

 Boeing NeXt uses advanced urban modeling and simulation in its efforts to ensure autonomous and piloted flying cars safely share the skies in the future.



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