The Latest Advanced Air Mobility News

Is Sand the New Lithium?

The answer to powering Advanced Air Mobility may be shifting in a desert nearby. If you’ve ever walked barefoot on the beach on a hot day, you know you literally feel the heat. Heat is stored energy, stored energy that could be used to power homes, offices, cars (maybe even flying ones?!). Perhaps best of…

Before They Buy eVTOLs, People Need to “Buy Into” eVTOLs

Public awareness of advanced air mobility (AAM) is not keeping pace with the achievements of eVTOL manufacturers.

Advanced Air Mobility by the Numbers

Advanced air mobility is predicted to bring eVTOLs to the skies, jobs to the world, and significant economic development to global economies.

Advanced Air Mobility — By the Numbers in 2023

The latest statistics for the rapidly growing uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) market.

Recharging Your eVTOLs – Midair

Swapping batteries midair, or more precisely, as NASA engineers describe their plan, “Energy Augmentation Concepts for Advanced Air Mobility Vehicles,” (EACAAMV) is a scheme devised by eight NASA scientists to recharge (if that’s the right word) eVTOLs in midair. Kapil Sheth, Nhan Nguyen, Seth Schisler, Todd Stinchfield, Corey Ippolito (NASA Ames Research Center), David Pike…

Do You Know Your eVTOL’s PEX Factor?

Learn how eVTOL companies can best evaluate their aircraft’s design for optimal performance through using a PEX.

The Complexities of Operating High-Density Vertiplexes and How to Automate Them

NASA is prototyping and assessing Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Ecosystems.

Will Sodium-Ion Batteries Replace Lithium-Ion Batteries . . .

The ‘e’ in eVTOLs – electric – has, from the outset of advanced air mobility (AAM) relied on lithium-ion batteries to power the aircraft. But, if scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Seattle, Washington-based Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) succeed in their efforts to develop a sodium-ion battery, the result could be a real…

It’s 2023: Do You Know What the State of Urban Air Mobility Is?

Researchers around the globe are exploring the challenges and potential benefits of UAM.

Me, eVTOL. You, Pilot. Now, What?

Researchers are seeing common trends in eVTOL pilot interfaces.

Buzz - The Beevtol icon. Cartoon bumblebee on a yellow background.