
Entrance of Stanford University.

How Far, How Long, Will Your Batteries Let Your eVTOL Fly?

In aviation, time is money. This is also true in UAM.

They say time is money. Perhaps nowhere is the consumer-operator more conscious of time than in aviation. Travelers worry if their flight is on-time. If departure is delayed, they worry they’ll be able to connect from one flight to another. Flight operators fret over aircraft availability, regulations dictating crew time for safe operations, and myriad…

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Drawing of ALIA-250 eVTOl flying above city.

Modern eVTOLs Are Coming to Ancient Greece

Tourists vacationing at Aria Hotels in Greece will soon be able to travel to different locales in eVTOLs.

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exterior photo of The Technical University of Catalonia, Spain

16 Top Concerns About Urban Air Mobility

If Drones Are to Fulfill Their Many Promises, Some Concerns Need to Be Addressed First

Researchers are discovering the top issues people need addressed before they are more comfortable with urban air mobility.

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Illustration replicates artificial intelligence scenarios.

AAM-Gym for Artificial Intelligence Practice

Advanced Air Mobility gets a research and development testbed

Researchers have created an Advanced Air Mobility “gym” that will allow for thousands of potential simulations to improve the development of eVTOLs.

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a team tries to score points by remote controlling their drones toward a target goal.

What Is Drone Soccer?

Some UAVs are about fun and games

Drone soccer’s time has come! This sport is fun and a great way to develop UAV skills!

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diagram that shows the SoS approach to Urban Air Mobility architecting

For UAM to Succeed, the Stars Won’t Need to Align, But a Lot of Systems Will

Researchers explore UAM from a System of Systems (SoS) perspective

Researchers at the Hamburg, Germany-based German Aerospace Center, Institute of System Architectures in Aeronautics (DLR), wanted to understand how different fully electric urban air mobility (UAM) aircraft architecture might affect the overall system of systems’ (SoS’) capability. (SoS refers to a complex system composed of multiple systems that work together to achieve what can’t be…

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