
flying car in city

Urban Air Mobility: The Legal Challenges on the Horizon

In the 21st century, technology can evolve at breakneck speeds. Legislators and regulators are sometimes challenged to manage those new technologies and keep pace with their advances. With the impending evolution (revolution?) in urban air mobility (UAM), we were curious how the legal and regulatory landscape is evolving – and will need to evolve –…

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London skyline

UK CAA Prepares a Flight Plan for UAM’s Take-Off

A consortium preparing for the implementation of urban air mobility (UAM) in the United Kingdom published its Key Considerations for Airspace Integration within an Urban Air Mobility Landscape.

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small red drone made by the HyPoint company

UAM Spreads Its Wings, Cuts Its Wires, and Ponders Hydrogen Power

Entrepreneurs explore the future of urban air mobility

UAM entrepreneurs are exploring hydrogen fuel cells and WiGL technology that proposes recharging eVTOLs midair.

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skyscape of Dubai

Can Your UAVs Make It Rain? The Drones in Dubai Can.

Scientists in Dubai are modifying drones to shoot laser beams into clouds and charge them with electricity to create rain.

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flying electric vehicle

The Top 7 Leading Contenders in the Emerging UAM Market

The race is on for the lead in urban air mobility

AeroCar Journal’s top 7 picks for the companies that may make it in the fiercely competitive emerging urban air mobility market.

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Assortment of numbers

The Future of Urban Air Mobility

UAM by the numbers

These are the key numbers being posited as the Urban Air Mobility industry matures between now and 2035.

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