Drones: Split Personalities with the Power to Good or Evil
Agencies, educators, and private enterprise are leading way to bring a ‘positive spin’ to the work rotor-driven drones do.
Stay tuned, we are changing our name to AAM Today (AAM.Today) in the coming weeks. There is a drone coming to a location near you soon – if, in fact, one hasn’t already done so. In 2021, U.S. retail behemoth, Walmart, in partnership with Zipline, under a special exemption granted by the U.S. Federal…
Call It K-UAM
Incheon, South Korea plans to integrate UAM
Incheon’s mayor, Jeong-bok Yoo, is spearheading an initiative to prepare, adapt, and integrate urban air mobility into the fabric of this metropolis of roughly 3 million people. The city has published the Advanced Air Mobility Concept of Operations for Incheon Metropolitan City. The 46-page pamphlet lays out the city’s vision to bring UAM online by…
The Right Stuff: Manufacturing a UAV Sandwich
Making AAM Magic Using Composite Materials
“… composite materials were optimal to build a lightweght, low-altitude endurance (LALE) hybrid VTOL UAV.”
UTM for UAM: Avoiding an eVTOL carmaggedon in the sky
Stay tuned: We are changing our name to AAM Today (aam.today) in the weeks ahead.
When our eVTOLs, crewed or uncrewed, take to the urban skies in our eVTOLs, it won’t be Tinkerbell our instruments will be looking to avoid hitting. NASA’s February 2024 report, “Computing Proximity to Threat Along Uncertain Trajectory to Support Urban Air Mobility,” identifies the complex, challenging environment that aircraft operators, urban traffic management (UTM) system…