
UAM By the Numbers in the EU

EASA Survey Says…

The European Aviation and Space Agency (EASA) surveyed EU citizens and found they, in general, had positive feelings about integrating urban air mobility into their lives.

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flying car in city

When Will There Be Flying Cars?

10 Things on the UAM To-Do List

When it comes to urban air mobility (UAM), flying cars, eVTOLs, if you will, people want to know: “When will there be flying cars?” Good question. Clearly, (pardon the pun) the wheels are in motion. But the question becomes, what has to happen before some of us, let alone all of us, are airborne in…

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Futurist Thomas Frey

What Living with Flying Cars Will Be Like

We get so immersed in the mechanics and infrastructure surrounding the development of eVTOLs that we sometimes forget about what a world with flying cars will be like or what it will take to have the population at large accept these soon-to-be modern miracles. We know that eVTOLs are in our future – sooner than…

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EASA Publishes SC-VTOL

Reprinted with permission from the Vertical Flight Society, Vertiflite Magazine The Vertical Flight Society has been supporting the development of electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft since 2014. One of the defining challenges for implementing eVTOL for urban air mobility (UAM) is the lack of applicable regulations. Standards organizations like ASTM International, RTCA, SAE…

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