Rich Man, Poor Man
For Whom Will eVTOLs Fly – and Where?
Let’s begin with the obvious: The extremely wealthy travel by private jet or limousine. Those traveling on commercial flights are literally divided into classes: first, business, and coach. Where the topography permits, e.g., in the continental U.S. and the European Union, the working class frequently travel by car or bus. There’s been much discussion about…
Is Sand the New Lithium?
Will Your Evtol Soon Be Powered by Sand?
The answer to powering Advanced Air Mobility may be shifting in a desert nearby. If you’ve ever walked barefoot on the beach on a hot day, you know you literally feel the heat. Heat is stored energy, stored energy that could be used to power homes, offices, cars (maybe even flying ones?!). Perhaps best of…
Before They Buy eVTOLs, People Need to “Buy Into” eVTOLs
Preparing for the reality of AAM
Public awareness of advanced air mobility (AAM) is not keeping pace with the achievements of eVTOL manufacturers.
Advanced Air Mobility — By the Numbers in 2023
16 stats
The latest statistics for the rapidly growing uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) market.
Recharging Your eVTOLs – Midair
NASA Has Electrifying Plans for Your Advanced Air Mobility Vehicles
Swapping batteries midair, or more precisely, as NASA engineers describe their plan, “Energy Augmentation Concepts for Advanced Air Mobility Vehicles,” (EACAAMV) is a scheme devised by eight NASA scientists to recharge (if that’s the right word) eVTOLs in midair. Kapil Sheth, Nhan Nguyen, Seth Schisler, Todd Stinchfield, Corey Ippolito (NASA Ames Research Center), David Pike…
Do You Know Your eVTOL’s PEX Factor?
You Better!
Learn how eVTOL companies can best evaluate their aircraft’s design for optimal performance through using a PEX.