UTM for UAM: Avoiding an eVTOL carmaggedon in the sky
Stay tuned: We are changing our name to AAM Today ( in the weeks ahead.
When our eVTOLs, crewed or uncrewed, take to the urban skies in our eVTOLs, it won’t be Tinkerbell our instruments will be looking to avoid hitting. NASA’s February 2024 report, “Computing Proximity to Threat Along Uncertain Trajectory to Support Urban Air Mobility,” identifies the complex, challenging environment that aircraft operators, urban traffic management (UTM) system…
Where California Leads, Will a UAM Nation — or the World — Follow?
Aircraft, Operating Environment, and Oh Yeah, Taxes
California’s nearly 40 million residents could set the gold standard for UAM.
How Much Noise Will a Single Rotor Make When a Single Rotor Makes Noise?
Use the NASA RVLT Conceptual Design Toolchain to Predict Best Practices
In their paper, “Best Practices for Predicting Acoustics of a Single Rotor Using the NASA RVLT Conceptual Design Toolchain” presented at the Vertical Flight Society’s 6th Decennial Aeromechanics Specialists’ Conference held in Santa Clara, California in February 2024, NASA aerospace engineers Lauren Weist, Natasha Schatzman, and Dorsa Shirazi detailed the results of their study intended…
Future Forward: AAM By the Numbers
The size and value of the urban air mobility market is poised to soar in the next decade.
We’re talking billions. US$30.7bn — The value of the urban air mobility market by 2031 Source Allied Market Research 30.2% — Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of urban air mobility market from 2022 to 2031. Source: Allied Market Research US$3.8bn — Value of urban air mobility market in 2023 Source: Markets and Markets US$28.5bn — Value of urban air…
What Is a Droneport?
Airport. √ Vertiport. √ Droneport? Stay tuned.
You’ve heard of airports. Society will soon be hearing more about droneports.
AI Has Come for Your Aircraft
Xwing President and CTO Maxime Gariel reveals how the aviator is unleashing AI technology to power up their aircraft
You may have noticed that our lives — our digital lives and, by extension, practically every aspect of our offline lives — are about to undergo a radical transformation not seen since the advent of the internet. That transformation is being powered by artificial intelligence (AI). AI is computers supercomputing and processing data faster and…