Could You Recharge Your eVTOL Batteries in 6 Minutes?
UK-based Nyobolt claims it has developed the technology to charge an EV capable of traveling 155 miles after just six minutes of charging. Compare that to some slow-charging technologies that can take a car up to 14 hours to charge. Led by St. John’s College Engineering, PhD, Dr. Sai Shivareddy and Cambridge University Professor Clare…
eVTOL Batteries: Advanced Machine Learning for AAM
Delft University Researchers Provide UAM Operators a Prognostics Tool for Battery Life
If you use your mobile phone frequently, when the remaining battery life reaches 20%, the battery indicator icon in the upper right of the screen turns red. But if you’re operating your eVTOL the way many passenger-carrying operators expect to – lots of takeoffs and landings throughout the day, ferrying passengers from airports to downtown…
Urban Air Mobility + Artificial Intelligence
The sum is greater than its parts
Take a minute to watch the opening scene from the 1952 Superman TV series. Writing in Cyient, Ajay Lohany, formerly with the Indian Air Force, outlines how those superhuman abilities Superman possessed (“faster than a speeding bullet,” “more powerful than a locomotive”) can align to improve aviation as urban air mobility (UAM) and artificial intelligence (AI) join…
Implementing Urban Air Mobility
It Ain’t Gonna Be Easy
A group of Brazilian researchers – Bruno Garcia Franciscone, Elton Fernandez, and Alberto Liuz Coimbra – raised an important issue as the urban air mobility movement readies for takeoff in cities and urban environments around the world. Writing in the August 2023 issue of the Journal of Airline Operations and Aviation Management, the authors note…
Is Sand the New Lithium?
Will Your Evtol Soon Be Powered by Sand?
The answer to powering Advanced Air Mobility may be shifting in a desert nearby. If you’ve ever walked barefoot on the beach on a hot day, you know you literally feel the heat. Heat is stored energy, stored energy that could be used to power homes, offices, cars (maybe even flying ones?!). Perhaps best of…
Will Sodium-Ion Batteries Replace Lithium-Ion Batteries . . .
before Advanced Air Mobility even takes off?
The ‘e’ in eVTOLs – electric – has, from the outset of advanced air mobility (AAM) relied on lithium-ion batteries to power the aircraft. But, if scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Seattle, Washington-based Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) succeed in their efforts to develop a sodium-ion battery, the result could be a real…