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Want to Upgrade Your Urban Air Mobility Fleet’s Cost-efficiency?
A trio of German researchers show you how to optimize your operational and configurational fleet decisions
November 10, 2024 |

Michael Husemann, a senior expert global footprint with battery manufacturer PowerCo, Ansgar Kirste,director of product management for Robert Bosch, and Elke Stumpf, a journalist have done what others have not done to date.
The trio devised a model UAM optimization model to better evaluate fleet operations in order to make smart strategic choices about vehicle concepts, battery capacity, and charging infrastructure taking a total cost of ownership approach. They looked at vehicle-specific parameters to correctly calculate energy consumption.
Cut to the chase
The study revealed the viability of an UAM system with trip costs ranging from US$27 to US$46. It showed that:
- Higher cruising speeds adversely affected total costs.
- A medium charging power level is adequate and energy costs only contribute to a moderate share of costs.
- Incentivizing shorter ground handling time of the vehicles eclipsed recharging and flight time.
This more-refined model, the researchers believe, bodes well for successful, and ultimately profitable UAM fleet operations.

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