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AAM by the Numbers

How much, how far, how safe, how noisy…?

Jumble of numbers for AAM story

Forgive the dated metaphor, but the advanced air mobility (AAM) market is picking up steam and over the next eight years or so is expected to achieve market growth valuations even the tech industry would be envious of.

At AAM Today, we’ve pulled together some of the key figures to help put into perspective what the AAM industry and the markets they will serve can expect between now and 2032:

35.2%   Expected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Market by 2032 [Source: Custom Market Insights LLC)

US$68.1 billion  AAM market valuation by 2032 [Source: AWS Marketplace: Advanced Air Mobility Market Report, Size, Forecast 2032 (amazon.com)]

0.1     Accidents per 100,000 flight hours for commercial airlines [Source: NASA/Booz Allen Hamilton]

65 dbA      The noise level of an eVTOL from a distance of 100 meters (decibels, A weight) [Source: KPMG]

0.0      eVTOL Tailpipe CO₂ emissions per passenger km (kg) [Source: KPMG]

<US$100 million               Cost to construct 1 mile of infrastructure [Source: KPMG Air Readiness Index]

#1           The United States overall AAM commercial market potential [Source: KPMG Air Readiness Index]

#2           Switzerland’s overall AAM commercial market potential [Source: KPMG Air Readiness Index]

#3           The United Kingdom’s overall AAM commercial market potential [Source: KPMG Air Readiness Index]

US$1.3 million   The expected sale price of Joby Aviation’s S4 eVTOL

US$54.8 billion The expected market valuation for drones (uncrewed aerial vehicles/UAVs) [Source: Fortune Business Insights]

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Dave Clarke

Dave Clarke is a California-based writer who is fascinated by the way technology changes our lives.