
worker dressed in orange with arm outstretched toward drone

Novel Uses of Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles

How drones are shaping the world, today and tomorrow

Urban air mobility (UAM) is coming. Advanced air mobility (AAM) is coming. Uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) are here now. The following UAV manufacturers and component providers are preparing to use UAVs in novel ways to shape the skies today and create a sustainable, cost-effective, uncrewed tomorrow. Precision Crop Spraying Regina, Saskatechwan, Canada-based  Precision AI has developed an artificial…

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Image blueprint showing energy stored in hot sand.

Is Sand the New Lithium?

Will Your Evtol Soon Be Powered by Sand?

The answer to powering Advanced Air Mobility may be shifting in a desert nearby. If you’ve ever walked barefoot on the beach on a hot day, you know you literally feel the heat. Heat is stored energy, stored energy that could be used to power homes, offices, cars (maybe even flying ones?!). Perhaps best of…

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Illustration of an eVTOL flying above a cityscape.

Before They Buy eVTOLs, People Need to “Buy Into” eVTOLs

Preparing for the reality of AAM

Public awareness of advanced air mobility (AAM) is not keeping pace with the achievements of eVTOL manufacturers.

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Illuminated drones light up night sky in the form of a car.

5 Things to Know About Drones Now

UAVs are taking flight to aid and improve everything from disease control to a dip in the ocean

Governments are using drones of various sizes in all sorts of different ways. This is just the beginning.

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An illustration of a flying car hovering over cityscape.

Advanced Air Mobility by the Numbers

From US$1.08 to US$1.5Tn

Advanced air mobility is predicted to bring eVTOLs to the skies, jobs to the world, and significant economic development to global economies.

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An Altair UAV prepares to land in a desert setting.

Drones Poll Results

Here’s How You Voted in Our “Delving Into Drones” Poll on LinkedIn

People have diverse opinions on how the future of drones will shake out in the near future.

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