Urban Air Mobility

Urban Planners: Consider This Urban Air Mobility Geospatial Decision-Support Tool to Help Decide Where Advanced Air Mobility Operators and Regulators Should Build Drone Ports

Earlier in 2024, a team of scientists from Aalto University and the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute conducted a study which, they hoped, might bring some clarity and guidance regarding where best to locate drone ports. They limited their study to uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) whose diameter was less than 3 meters. The team, Miloš N….

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Power Zone: Vertiports Will Need to Amp Up Their Electric Grids

For advanced air mobility (AAM) to advance rapidly, these facilities will need the ability to provide electricity, perhaps in the form of microgrids, to facilitate rapid, easily accessible charging.

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Public Private Partnership written on a clear see-thru board

Gaming the System: Rolling the Dice on AAM Infrastructure Investments —Public-Private Partnerships or State-Funded

When we think of commercial aviation today, we see a public-private business model that has evolved over the past 100 or so years. The public sector provides and operates the airports and air traffic management systems and private enterprise pay fees to use that infrastructure to provide air travel and cargo services to the public….

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Size Matters: Optimizing Your Advanced Air Mobility Air Taxi Fleet to Meet Scheduling and Traffic Demands

Dresden Researchers Show How to Optimize AAM Fleet Management

A Dozen (Trips) a Day x Optimal Travel Routes = Profitability for AAM Operators

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City skyline illustration demonstrates the need for new wind flow models in order for UAM to succeed.

Urban Air Mobility Needs a New Wind Flow Model to Fly Right

From Chicago to Wellington, wind flows will challenge UAM operators

The study revealed a host of factors which impact urban wind flow. These include: diurnal variations, the Coriolis effect, geographic positioning, topography, surface roughness, flow incidence angle, building and street configurations, building aspect ratios, roof shapes, and building heights.

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Droneports: Will Society Develop a NIMBY Approach?

EU Researchers propose a plan to ease the planning and development of landing and launch sites

Researchers in Finland, funded by the EU, are proposing a multi-stakeholder approach to smoothly integrate UAVs and their launch and liftoff sites into the Baltic region.

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