Building Better eVTOL Batteries for UAM
Two Salts are Better Than One
through 500 cycles, theGen-2 system displayed signs of polarization and capacity loss, particularly during high-rate hover and descent phases of operations. By comparison, the dual-salt electrolyte system was stable retaining capacity and exhibiting low polarization potentials through the flight cycle.
Droneports: Will Society Develop a NIMBY Approach?
EU Researchers propose a plan to ease the planning and development of landing and launch sites
Researchers in Finland, funded by the EU, are proposing a multi-stakeholder approach to smoothly integrate UAVs and their launch and liftoff sites into the Baltic region.
Drones: Split Personalities with the Power to Good or Evil
Agencies, educators, and private enterprise are leading way to bring a ‘positive spin’ to the work rotor-driven drones do.
Stay tuned, we are changing our name to AAM Today (AAM.Today) in the coming weeks. There is a drone coming to a location near you soon – if, in fact, one hasn’t already done so. In 2021, U.S. retail behemoth, Walmart, in partnership with Zipline, under a special exemption granted by the U.S. Federal…
Call It K-UAM
Incheon, South Korea plans to integrate UAM
Incheon’s mayor, Jeong-bok Yoo, is spearheading an initiative to prepare, adapt, and integrate urban air mobility into the fabric of this metropolis of roughly 3 million people. The city has published the Advanced Air Mobility Concept of Operations for Incheon Metropolitan City. The 46-page pamphlet lays out the city’s vision to bring UAM online by…
The Right Stuff: Manufacturing a UAV Sandwich
Making AAM Magic Using Composite Materials
“… composite materials were optimal to build a lightweght, low-altitude endurance (LALE) hybrid VTOL UAV.”